Security Regulations

The CMA CGM Group has deployed very strict policies concerning compliance with national and international regulations. In cooperation with the relevant authorities, we make every efforts to ensure compliance with these regulations. Internal procedures are put in place and are strictly followed throughout our network.

An outline of CMA CGM Group’s internal procedures and some key measures concerning security and customs are presented here below.

Procedures related to international economic sanctions

Further to the implementation of international economic sanctions against certain countries, CMA CGM set up internal procedures to ensure the strict respect of these sanctions.This section outlines the Group’s procedures governing the transportation of goods involving Syria and Iran.

Further information on other countries subject to restrictions will be available soon.

Regulations and procedures for shipments to and from Syria

CMA CGM makes every effort to ensure that no party to the contract of carriage appears on any list of people or entities who are banned, such as the lists published by the United Nations, the European Union or the United States. Likewise, we strive to ensure that the Group does not transport any good prohibited by the United Nations, European Union and the United States.

Regulations and procedures for shipments to Iran

CMA CGM makes every effort to ensure that no party to the contract of carriage appears on any list of people or entities who are banned, such as the lists published by the United Nations, the European Union and the United States. Likewise, we strive to ensure that the Group does not transport any good prohibited by the United Nations, European Union and the United States.


Based on available information, the provisions of this webpage and linked websites are for information only and are not exhaustive. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information content is accurate and up-to-date. However all information obtained is given without any guarantee as to its accuracy and is not indicative of other applicable laws and regulations. Any information contained on this webpage and linked websites is subject to change at any time and without prior notice. CMA CGM and its agencies cannot be responsible for any direct, indirect, incident, special damage, or any other form of damage, based on the use of any information obtained on this web page and linked websites. For additional information about sanctions and restrictive measures, please contact the relevant authority.

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